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Saved by Jane Lofton
on February 7, 2019 at 4:32:37 am


Note: The CSLA UnConference has moved to the CSLA website at http://csla.net/2019-conference/unconference/. The information below is for 2018 and earlier UnConferences.


CSLA Unconference

Tweet with: #CSLAUNCON

Join us for CSLA's fifth annual Unconference!

Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite, February 1, 8:30 PM - 11:00 PM

(For information about the main CSLA 2018 conference, click here.)

Shortcut to this site: bit.ly/cslauncon

 (Many thanks to Joyce Valenza for the concept, developed for the AASL 2013 UnConference, and to Gwyneth Jones for some of the graphics used here)


What is an unconference?

No planned speakers! No panels! The Unconference is an opportunity to share with other conference attendees even if you did not submit a proposal for the main conference program! 


The focus is on informal peer-to-peer learning, PLN (personal learning network) building, and sharing. You can lead an informal discussion, or you can simply participate. You can share an idea with all the participants during our group sharing "Smackdown," or you can just listen to everyone else's great ideas. (And we bet you'll end up wanting to share even if you didn't think you would! We know you have great ideas to offer.) 


Add your topics and smackdown items in advance below, or, just show up!




Tentative UnAgenda

8:30 PM - 9:30 PMish: 2 sets of brief breakout discussions, based on ideas submitted in the AnswerGarden below and when people arrive

9:30 PMish - 10:30 PMish: Smackdown! Lightning pace sharing of great ideas - 2 minutes max per idea. Add your idea to our slideshow (see the embed below)

10:30 PMish - 11:00 PMish: Team Trivia


Add your breakout session ideas to AnswerGarden! Link  


Summary Google Doc - notes from the share outs of the breakout sessions


Smackdown slideshow (link): (Can't attend? You are still welcome to participate by posting a slide or two. And, we plan to stream the Smackdown. https://youtu.be/pvzI1rzeqSc



2017 Slideshow2016 Slideshow, and 2015 Slideshow (in case this helps with ideas :-) )


Share your ideas and takeaways from the Unconference!




Help plan this event! Contact Jane LoftonPam Oehlman, or Katie McNamara




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